"And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel".-Exodus 19:6
A Hebrew Israelite Assembly
This assembly rejoices in the principle that one plants, another waters, but it is God who gives the increase. Therefore, we simply move as humble servants and willing vessels of the One True God. We are primarily dedicated to teaching the Israelites the correct precept based understanding of God's word regarding Life, Love, Hope, and Instruction.
Our desire for our people mirrors our brother Paul's, "brethren, my heart's DESIRE and prayer to God for ISRAEL is, that they might be SAVED."-Romans 10:1 KJV.
We encourage ALL to follow the Messiah's example, to follow God's prophets, and to follow His Word.
Shalom and YAH bless,
JaMykal ben Michael of the house of Isaac, Head Elder
Jonathan ben Clifford, Right Hand Elder
Email: 1and12assembly@gmail.com
What We Preach: The Holy Scriptures
If you are seeking bible based encouragement, guidance, and edification, then this assembly and its messages will be of great value to you! We say this with great confidence because scriptural motivation, revelation, and education are major areas that we consistently preach.
Many are unsatisfied in their secular lives, or confused and lost in their current walk with God, and many more are frustrated with the exhausted customs of religion and tradition. Another addition to the haze is that most people are unaware of the fragile foundations that hold their mainstream beliefs, however, at times they sense them when sharing and explaining their beliefs to those who disagree. Therefore, the majority of people have a very difficult time sharing and explaining their beliefs to others without interrupting their own intellectual honesty. The leadership of this assembly removes this problem by solely preaching doctrines that are supported by God's Law, His Prophets, and sacred post resurrection texts; commonly referred to as "The New Testament". This allows for you to easily understand God's word, to easily trust His promises, and to easily explain your belief in Him to those that you're trying to reach.
Sometimes additional outside sources (historic, linguistic, scientific, etc) may be used to support a message or to strengthen valid points, but this is only done when the sources compliment and harmonize with the scriptures aforementioned. We do not preach nor teach doctrines that are based outside of the pre-given parameters. Also, we do not preach philosophy nor doctrines of men. We refrain from such because our God commanded us to beware of these dangers. We only preach the holy written Word and we invite you to explore it with us. HALLELUYAH!

"Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you."-Deuteronomy 4:2